How to Detoxify Your Body Using a Complete Detoxification Approach

How to Detoxify Your Body Using a Complete Detoxification Approach

What does it mean to detox?

Detoxification is a process that a healthy body performs naturally throughout the day. It is the elimination of toxins that the body is exposed to, as well as to toxins that are produced during metabolic functions.  The standard American diet of commercially processed foods present challenges to our body’s normal detoxification processes.  Even if we eat organically grown foods, there are factors such as air pollution and chemical additives in our tap water that contribute to the toxic load placed upon our bodies.

A buildup of toxins in the body can cause many symptoms, including weight gain, arthritis, joint stiffness, bowel issues, skin rashes, brain fog and many other conditions. Thus, having a comprehensive detoxification approach is of the utmost importance for our wellbeing.  The Standard Process® 21-Day Purification Program supports the specific organs and systems that assist in the detoxification process including the liver, kidneys, bowel, skin and the entire digestive tract.

Even if we eat organically grown foods, there are factors such as air pollution and chemical additives in our water that contribute to toxic load upon our bodies.

The 21-Day Purification Program has helped many of my patients make great strides in regaining and maintaining their health.  The benefits of detoxifying your body will be unique to you, but most patients feel better overall, obtain a healthier weight, reduce inflammation, and find better mental clarity.  While the body is eliminating accumulated toxins during this program, there may be some symptoms such as mild headaches, lethargy, or even flu-like symptoms for a short period of time.  The 21-Day Purification Program is designed to minimize the challenges of detoxification and I encourage you to reach out to me with questions on our Contact page.  In preparation for the program and to make it easier/more effective, I strongly urge you to cut down your sugar, caffeine, and processed food intake.

In preparation for the Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program, cut down on sugar, caffeine, and processed food.

The 21-Day Purification Program provides eight different purification product kits based on the preferred protein powder and fiber choice. Included in the program are:

  • 1 bottle of our SP Cleanse®, for purification
  • 2 containers of our SP Complete® protein powder in your choice of Chocolate, Vanilla and Dairy Free (28 oz each)
  • 2 bottles of fiber support from your choice of Whole Food Fiber powder or Gastro-Fiber® capsules
  • 1 bottle of SP Green Food® to provide phytonutrients
  • 1 Patient Purification Program Guide

 Detoxification Kit | Standard Process® 21-Day Purification Program | SP Complete®


Which kit is best for me?

The Standard Process® 21-Day Purification Program comes in several variants.  We offer our SP Complete®, a whole food nutrition powder, in chocolate and vanilla flavors.  The dairy in the SP Complete® comes from whey protein which is one of the highest quality sources of protein with immune enhancing factors.  We also offer SP Complete® Dairy Free, for those with a dietary restriction.  Our SP Complete® Dairy Free contains rice protein which also provides a non-dairy source of amino acids.

Detoxification Fiber | Whole Food Fiber | Gastro-Fiber®

When choosing a 21-Day Purification Program, you can also choose between our two fiber sources.  Both of our fiber products offer quality source of fiber, which is a natural laxative.  For those who prefer a powder, which can be combined with their SP Complete®, we offer our Whole Food Fiber.  We recommend our Whole Food Fiber powder as the best source of fiber for women because it contains both soluble and insoluble fiber for optimal digestion.  If you prefer capsules, we offer our Gastro-Fiber®.  The Gastro-Fiber® capsules are specially formulated with fennel, which helps relieve gas, associated abdominal cramps, and occasional indigestion.

The focus of this program is to supply your body with nutritious whole foods and shakes packed with nutrients. You will receive a booklet that provides you with the proper foods to consume and those to avoid during the program. It explains what whole food supplements to take and gives example recipes of how to make the delicious chocolate or vanilla shakes. These changes may feel challenging at first, but after a few days of eating real food, your body will crave the energy and vitality that comes through this process. This program is surprisingly easy when all the steps are followed, and your body/mind will thank you!